Monday, December 14, 2015

Advent Calendar 14/25

Can you believe it's been two weeks since I started this horrible trend?

I can.

I sure as hell can.

So, I'm an actor.

And nothing scares me more than auditions. It's like hello humans, I need you to judge me real quick and decide if I'm good enough for this role. Yes, I really want this role but it can be considered impolite to directly ask for the role so I have to hope that you think that I'm good enough for the role I want. And if I'm cast as something else I just have to accept it, it's really shitty to bitch about what role you're cast as.

I had an audition today, it's my final time auditioning for the high school musical, fittingly enough we're doing High School Musical. I really want to be Troy Bolton. Truthfully I just want to be the lead, like I've had large roles several times in my life, but truthfully I just want to be the lead. Not a lead, the lead. And it's probably really shitty of me but I've spent so much of my time as a secondary character, I just want to be the lead. Just once. I think I can do it. My friends think I can. But I know deep down that I probably won't. And it's hard. Like, am I not good enough? Or do they not like me. I work really hard to constantly be better. And I never want to be the person who whines about what they get cast at because those people are literally the worst.

But I want it.

All my friends have had their lead moments. (Or in Erik's case they will)

And unless I direct my own show I'm afraid that no one will think I'm good enough to be a lead. Or they'll type cast me. Or I'll play the dad or the wacky accented character.

I'm such a whiner right now.

The role everyone infamously knows me for is Cord Elam from Oklahoma! because I was him two times in a row. So I went and wrote and essay on why Troy Bolton is the Cord Elam of High School Musical. You can read that essay here.

Like it's a little dumb but I feel like since my director is an English teacher and I'm a writer, like I'm trying to get my leg up. I'm doing whatever I can, I want this.

And I'm so damn afraid.

Because I'm exposing myself. I'm just like "Hey guys, this is what I want, please don't reject me or I will be crushed and I will probably cry."

It's like asking out a girl without knowing if she likes you or not.

Shit it's like I'm in 8th grade again.

God I hope I get it.

Happy Holidays.


Bailey S. Fox

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