Monday, July 7, 2014

They Were Wrong

I don't have a clever title for this blog post. This is going to be a little more real than my normal have serious half sarcastic parade of teenage angst. I'm going to briefly talk about my childhood and why I don't cry, except for today.

When I was younger I was bullied. That's not really that big of a shocker. Everyone was at one point in their life. Kids used to make fun of me because I would cry a lot. I'd cry because someone called me a name, or someone got me out in kickball. I'd cry at the drop of a hat. I didn't have a huge group of friends. People came and went but for a long time I was alone. I was loud and obnoxious. Everyday I was so excited to be there. I was loud because I couldn't contain the pure joy I felt. I still have trouble with being quiet, especially when I'm excited. I was picked on for various reasons. I had what I called a satchel but everyone else called a man purse in 5th grade because I wanted to be like Indiana Jones. Or in 7th grade there is an infamous picture of me that rears its head every once in a while.
I didn't know that in 3 years people would make fun of me for that picture. I thought I looked good. But now it's something that I cannot seem to get away from even if I look radically different.

As I became older it became a point of pride for me the less and less I cried. Now I rarely do it. I got called out during a break up for not crying. I had to awkwardly explain that I don't anymore. I learned not to. I couldn't tell you the last time I cried before today.

Today I was on Tumblr when I saw this video.

Very shortly into it tears sprang to my eyes. by half way through I was crying for the first time in however long. And I couldn't stop. It affected me in a very deep way. It cut through to the scared kid who doesn't understand why everyone hates him just for being who he is.

I'm not going to preach about anti-bullying. I'm not going to tell you what you already know. I'm not going to tell you how it changed me or anything. I'm not going to sit here and tell my sob-story (more than I have) because that's now what this is about. This blog post is about the video. It might be one of the most moving things I have watched in my lifetime. I have no closing joke or argument. I just wanted to share this. If any of you really want my in-depth back-story that can be saved for another post.

I love you all <3

Bailey S. Fox

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