Friday, March 7, 2014

Shouting, Yelling And Other Displays of Affection

      Anyone who knows me in real life knows for all my amazing traits I'm bad at interpersonal relationships.
Me irl + a filter. Look at my handsomeness, right?
I try really hard but I'm bad at conveying thoughts and emotions from myself to another person. I tend to get caught up and yell which makes the other person yell and it tends to go down hill very quickly.
But why am I telling you this?
Well, I believe if I'm going to get on my soapbox and preach to the internet my beliefs I should be honest about my own short comings. Especially when part of what I do is call out others for their's.
So yeah, I'm bad at conveying emotions through face to face interactions. And I feel bad cause I just want to help the people I love and explain what I mean but it goes wrong and I say dumb things.
Now I know this is a very typical problem and there's nothings "quirky" or "unique" about having trouble expressing yourself.
I'm not trying to be. There's nothing spectacular about me, I'm not trying to put myself above anyone even though I'm a narcissistic and believe anyone cares enough to hear about my rants and ramblings. But I'm still going to do this.
I'm actually going to try to help all you lovely people with your faces glued to your LCD monitors who somehow found this.
There is something wrong with you. You have something that isn't that great about you that always gets you in trouble. And you can complain about it and apologize for it and all kinds of things but it's always going to be there to some extent. You have to accept that. You get nothing done hating yourself over it and in fact it will probably make it worse.
But no matter how bad whatever thing that's "Wrong" about you is there will always be people who love you despite and because of it. Even though I have this problem I have a fantastic group of friends that love and accept me. And they all have their flaws but without them they wouldn't be them at all and they wouldn't be the people I love. So love thyself. Because someone loves you.
If Eva Braun can love Hitler someone can love you even if you are Awkward or shy or depressed or have a lisp or think you're annoying. You have friends. Even when it doesn't seem like it there is someone somewhere who doesn't hate your guts and that my dear friends is what gets us through the day.
We do great things for the people we love and they do great things for us. Even if it's a hug or a smile or even asking what's wrong people love you, no matter how "Weird" and "unlikable" you think you are. Also remember to love you, cause you're the one person you're stuck with from day one until we are dead in the ground so you might as well love you. You can't expect others to love you if you don't love you. THE LOVE HAS GOTTA COME FROM WITHIN MAN. DON'T RELY 100% ON OTHERS FOR YOUR HAPPINESS.
Well that got weird fast.
And if you read all this I love you, so add random internet writer kid to that list <3
-Bailey S. Fox
P.S. If you're my friend IRL and read this I love you a lot even if I kinda suck at showing it at times <3

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