So yeah, I still use this thing. between my secret project (More details soon) and school and whatnot I've been away for almost a month. I've had a lot on my mind so I feel like barfing it out onto the internet. So this is going to be a rather unfocused and long shotgun burst of thoughts. Instead of one main topic it will be several shorter mini rants. So sit back and relax as I hit you lovelies with my thoughts at point-blank range.
Loving, Hating and The Rest
So there are several people I interact with on a regular basis that don't like me. It's a fact of life, there will always be people in life who don't like me, and I've come to accept that. But sometimes I have trouble. There will people I look up to who cannot stand me. And it hurts, it does, and sometimes in my efforts to get them to like me I further alienate them.
Loving, Hating and The Rest
So there are several people I interact with on a regular basis that don't like me. It's a fact of life, there will always be people in life who don't like me, and I've come to accept that. But sometimes I have trouble. There will people I look up to who cannot stand me. And it hurts, it does, and sometimes in my efforts to get them to like me I further alienate them.
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Heh, get it? Alienate? Aliens? |
It creates this endless whirlpool of blah feelings. I have this thing where I want to be liked by everyone but I don't want to conform or change to suit people's liking. I want to be me in all my emotionally unstable eccentric glory. And some people love it and some people hate it. I appear to be a man of extremes. No middle grounds. There also seems to be two ways of liking me. Liking me despite all my flaws or because of them. It all depends on perspective. F**k Your System I am not a fan of uncompromising rules life is too unpredictable and unique, too full of what ifs to have rules without exception. But the exceptions can not be set in stone due to the people who will exploit the loopholes for selfish gain. I also hate bureaucracy, I'm working on a project and I want to use the school as the place to film that. But the amount of hoops I've had to jump through to get a "We'll let you know" is irritating. (If any school board members are reading this please still let me film my project, pretty please) I think there should be standards and guidelines that should be judged on a case to case basis of sorts. Because sometimes when people are allowed to make their own choices they make better ones than when told what to do. For a species that prides itself on being individuals we shouldn't create uniform judgements. Disclaimer: Don't misunderstand what I'm saying. Things like murder and rape are inexcusable and should always be punished. The Common Core Speaking of standards and uniformity The Common Core are a set of standards for students in grades K-12. I had to write an argument essay for class (I got a 93 on this paper. It wasn't "Source based enough") The essay can be found here. Perpetual Ray of Sunshine (Note: This is a late addition to the blog and was written after the original posting) I think it is very important to be a positive person. The irony of this being this whole blog post according to my girlfriend was "Pessimistic and depressing" (<3) and the sense of humor I often use is a more sarcastic, dark and cynical one, I honest to god try to be a positive person. It's too hard going day to day expecting little to nothing. There is often the philosophy of "If I expect nothing than I can't be disappointed." but then why bother doing anything. If you expect nothing than there's no reason to do things, the hope for fun and joy is gone. The reason I do things is for enjoyment. And if I go around expecting nothing then what's the point? If I have to lower my expectations to none to enjoy an event then what's the point of doing it? If you expect not to like a movie and don't really want to go see it then don't go see it. Don't go around lowering your expectations. Go find things that fulfill and meet your expectations. You only get one life, spend it enjoying things. Don't work jobs you hate with people you hate. Happiness is more important than money. Don't have a job that makes you miserable because it pays more than one that makes you happy. Happiness is always worth it. In Conclusion People aren't going to like you, but that isn't the way to define yourself. No matter how much it hurts when someone doesn't like you or likes someone better remember the ones who love you. Define your life by you and the people you love and who love you back. Be loving, accepting and forgiving. Everyone has their flaws and people put up with yours, you have no reason not to put up with theirs. Systems suck but it is the world we live in. And I suppose that it's better than all out anarchy. Always question authority. Being curious, independent and intelligent are some of the most important traits to have and to use. Being in a position of power does not make someone right. I have nothing really to say about the Common Core that I didn't already write in the essay so incase you didn't go check it out. (Yay shameless self promotion) As always thank you for reading. I love all of you dearly. Any questions please email me or tweet me @TheBailey_Fox. Also if you haven't seen the video of Randy Newman singing "Let it Go" Please watch it. I'll post more regularly once school ends. <3 Bailey S. Fox |
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